Organizing any type of event is an involved process with lots of moving parts. Be sure to keep Community Partners informed as you go through your planning process. The following steps will help you determine what you'll need to do to prepare for your big day.
- Contact to be connected with a programs team member discuss the event.
- Use the flow chart to determine whether you need a liquor license or special event insurance.
- If you need a liquor license, follow these steps to secure the liquor license.
- If you determine you need special event insurance, apply for special event coverage. - If you are fundraising at the event, file a Notice of Intention with the Los Angeles Police Commission.
- Review the different ways a project can accept donations at an event. Determine if any potential donations are partially deductible.
- Review these articles if you plan to host an auction or raffle.
- If you plan on having volunteers, make sure they sign the general waiver form.
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