If you have a question for Community Partners and you are a user in NetSuite, you can use the task functionality to communicate with Community Partners staff. You can also use task functionality to communicate with your project team members within NetSuite.
Watch this video to learn how to create and manage Tasks in NetSuite.
You can also review these steps to create and manage Tasks in NetSuite.
Managing Tasks:
In NetSuite, go to your Dashboard.
On the left, in the Reminders box you can manage your Tasks and approvals.
Tasks Assigned To Me
Click on the link "Tasks Assigned to Me" to view your tasks, which will bring you to this page:
From there, you can click on any of the column names to sort by them or you can edit or view a task.|
Tasks Awaiting Feedback
On your Dashboard, click on the link "Tasks Awaiting Feedback" to view tasks waiting for your response.
From there, you can click on any of the column names to sort by them or you can edit or view a task. These tasks are waiting for you to reply to them, so click edit to submit a response.
Tasks For My Project
On your Dashboard, click on the link "Tasks For My Project" to view all open tasks for your project.
This view shows all of the open tasks for your project. It is used if you would like to see all of the tasks submitted by all users of your project.
Tasks For My Project (Open and Closed)
On your Dashboard, click on the link "Tasks For My Project (Open and Closed)" to view all open and closed tasks for your project.
This is useful if you would like to review closed tasks or re-open a task for your project.
Create a Task
Go to your dashboard and your shortcuts and click on "Enter Task".
This will bring you to the task form. Enter the following:
Title - Add the subject line
Assigned To (Employee) - This field is not required. Assign the activity to who you want to handle the activity and check off send email to receive updates (You can leave this blank if you are not sure who to assign it to. Please do not assign the task to a Community Partners' employee name. We require you to use the "Assign to CP Role" field so that multiple team members will see it, which ensures a prompt reply.)
Assign To (CP Role) - Select the CP Financial Services Admin. They are the staff who will directly interface with you and will make sure your task is handled by the appropriate team member.
Send Email To Role - You do not need to check this box. Please leave it unchecked.
Priority - Please only use high for true emergencies and medium and low as needed.
Project Business Unit - You can only select a project you are associate with.
Status - Leave as "not started"
Private - You should only use this if you would like to create a task for yourself. For example, if you want to remind yourself to enter your American Express expenses on a certain date, you could set up a task for yourself.
Project Members To Notify - If CP opens a record on your behalf, we will select your project members to notify so they will receive an email
Message - Add the body of your message.
Save - Click this to submit the task.
How To Check If Your Task Was Successfully Created
Go to your Dashboard and click the refresh button with the Reminder Box. You can then check the Tasks For My Project to ensure your task was created or to check the status of it.
How To Respond To A Task
Navigate to the "Tasks Awaiting Feedback" link on your Dashboard Reminders and Click edit on the task you would like to respond to. There are two ways you can respond to a task. You can respond within the "Message" box and click Save.
Or you can respond by clicking on "Communication" and "User Notes" and "New Note".
How to Attach Files to a Task
You can attach files to your task to provide screenshots or supporting documentation by clicking on "Communication," then "Files," and then clicking on the "+" that will appear when you hover your mouse on the "Attach Files" line.
This will open a new window where you can select a File Name, a Folder in NetSuite to save the record, and the File from your computer that you want to upload. Finally click save to finish.
NetSuite will show you a preview of the document on the task. Be sure to click "Add" to attach the selected file to the record.
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