Each time you create an expense report, purchase order/contract request, or vendor bill in NetSuite, you will be required to select an expense account in order to classify your expenses. Below is an explanation of the expense accounts in NetSuite.
Please note: Any code that begins with "78" should only be used for fundraising expenses.
6120 Consulting and Professional Service Fees: Payments to individuals, consultants, or companies for professional services. These services can include strategic planning, curriculum development, and others.
6121 Professional Fundraising Consultant Fee: Payments to individuals, consultants or companies for primarily engaging in soliciting or otherwise procuring money or other property for charitable, philanthropic or benevolent purposes. These services can include grantwriting, canvassing, and others.
6130 Public Relations/Communications: Payments to individuals, consultants or companies for professional services related to public relations and communications efforts for your project.
6131 Web Hosting: Payments to individuals, consultants, or companies to host your project’s website.
6140 Art & Design: Payments to individuals, consultants, or companies for professional services related to art and design.
6150 Broadcast Airtime: Payments to companies for airtime on radio and television.
6210 Conference Fees: Fees paid for project staff and/or volunteers to attend program-related conferences.
6220 Facilities and Equipment Rental: Payments (including security deposits) for renting space and equipment related to project conferences, programs, and meetings. Please note that rental of space and equipment related to fundraising is coded under 7820 Event Rentals.
6240 Catering/Food and Meeting Expenses: Costs of providing food and/or catering at program-related meetings and events. This excludes catering for fundraising events, which falls under 7830 Event Catering.
6310 Office Supplies: Costs of supplies related to administrative tasks, e.g., paper, pencils, and post-its.
6320 Program Supplies: Costs of supplies related to programmatic activities. For example, if you are running an after-school program, sports equipment and art supplies used in your program activities would fall under this category.
6330 Books & Publications: Costs of books, publications, and subscriptions to publications that are purchased for administrative and/or programmatic purposes.
6410 Telephone/Fax/Internet: Monthly payments for phone, fax, and internet services.
6420 Cell Phones and Mobile Devices: Costs related to cell phones and other mobile devices. This includes the costs of purchase as well as monthly service payments.
6510 Postage: Costs of stamps and basic postage.
6520 Courier/Delivery Services: Costs of sending mail or packages through any service other than US Postal Service. Courier and delivery services include FedEx, UPS, DHL, and others.
6610 Rent Expenses: Costs of renting space for operational purposes, e.g., costs of office space or cubicle space.
6620 Utilities: Monthly utility costs.
6630 Occupancy Related Fees: Costs relating to renting office space for operational purpose, e.g. building access passes.
6640 Office Maintenance: Costs of maintaining office space. This may include pest control, general repairs, and upkeep.
6650 Other Rent Expenses: Costs of space that is being rented, but is not used for operational activities. This most commonly includes storage spaces and post office boxes.
6690 Moving Expenses: Expenses related to moving from one office space to another.
6710 Staff and Volunteer Training: Costs of trainings that staff and volunteers attend – inside or outside of your project – for the purpose of furthering the project’s mission.
6720 Staff and Volunteer Conferences: Costs of conferences that staff and volunteers attend –inside or outside of your project – for the purpose of furthering the project’s mission.
6730 Staff & Volunteer Recruitment: Expenses related to recruiting staff or volunteers, e.g., the price of posting job descriptions or internship announcements online.
6910 Travel Local: This refers to the cost of mileage, public transit, and rideshares (Uber, Lyft, etc.) for travel within the region in which the person traveling lives and works. This code should not be used for travel to and from the airport, this falls under 6920 Travel Long Distance. Parking costs incurred by local travel fall under 6940 Parking.
6920 Travel Long Distance: All expenses incurred from the time an employee leaves their house or office on a long-distance trip for project business until they return. This includes the costs of shuttles, rideshares, parking, airfare, and mileage. The only items that are excluded are lodging and meals, which fall in the category below.
6930 Hotels, Lodging, and Meals: Costs of lodging and meals incurred on a long-distance trip for project business.
6940 Parking: Costs of parking for local travel for project business, or for monthly parking at the project’s office or facilities.
7020 Photocopying: Costs of photocopying. This includes photocopying in your own office space as well as at outside vendors (e.g., Kinkos).
7040 Other Printing: Costs of printing business cards, stationery, or other communications materials. The only printing costs excluded from this are those associated with photocopying.
7110 Hardware: Costs of purchasing machinery related to computers, e.g., computers, monitors, laptops, and printers.
7120 Software and Licensing: Costs of purchasing and licensing software.
7130 Tech Support Service: Costs of hiring people on a short- or long-term contract basis to provide computer and information technology support services.
7140 Other Computer Expenses: Costs of computer accessories (e.g., cables, flash drives, and mouse pads).
7120 Memberships/Dues: Dues or fees your project pays to be a part of a membership organization, such as the California Association of Nonprofits.
7310 Equipment Maintenance: One-time or short-term costs of equipment upkeep and/or repair.
7320 Equipment Purchase: Costs of purchasing equipment not related to computers, e.g., copiers, fax machines, and postage meters.
7330 Equipment Rental/Lease: Costs of renting equipment, e.g., copiers, fax machines, and postage meters.
7340 Equipment Service Contracts: Ongoing costs of repair, maintenance, or upkeep services for equipment.
7410 Print Advertising: Costs of advertising in printed media, e.g., newspapers and magazines.
7420 Display Advertising: Costs of advertising with signs and/or other displays.
7430 Radio Advertising: Costs of advertising on the radio.
7440 Web Advertising: Costs of advertising online.
7610 Re-Grant: Scholarships or grants made to individuals or organizations in furtherance of the project’s mission.
7710 Licenses and Government Fees: Costs of licenses and permits needed for program activities ( e.g., business licenses).
7720 Stipend: Payments made to a person periodically, which can be utilized to defray expenses such as food and transportation. A stipend does not necessarily represent payment for work performed.
7730 Honorarium: Payment to an expert in the field for a one-time event, such as a speaking engagement.
7740 Staff Recognition and Gifts: Costs of gifts given for the purpose of recognizing individual staff members or organizations (e.g. plaques).
7810 Event PR and Communications: Costs associated with advertising and publicizing fundraising events.
7820 Event Professional Services: Costs of contracted services for a fundraising event. Services can include event planning, mechanical rigging, and others.
7830 Event Food: Costs of food provided at a fundraising event.
7840 Event Entertainment: Expenses associated with entertainment for a fundraising event (e.g., payments or honoraria for MCs, musical performances, and dance performances).
7850 Event Decorations: Costs of decorations purchased specifically for fundraising events.
7860 Event Awards/Prizes: Costs of goods purchased to be given as awards or prizes at fundraising events.
7870 Event Equipment Rental: Costs of renting space and/or equipment for fundraising events.
7880 Event Miscellaneous: Other expenses incurred in putting on a fundraising event not included in the categories above.
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