Not sure how to code some of your revenues? Following is a comprehensive list of Community Partners’ revenue account codes and definitions. If you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the financial services team.
4010 - Individual Contributions: Donations made by individuals.
4020 - Board Contributions: Donations made by members of your advisory board.
4030 - Matching Gifts: Donations that are given through employer-employee matching programs, as well as less formal matching programs. The amount given by the primary donor still falls under 4010 Individual Contribution, but the amount given to match that individual donation is marked as a matching gift.
4040 - Corporate Contributions: Donations made by corporations that are not accompanied by an understanding of deliverables. This does not include donations from corporate foundations, which would fall under 4110 Foundation Grants.
4110 - Foundation Grants: All donations given by foundations, with or without a grant agreement. This excludes donations given by foundations at a specific fundraising event, which would fall under 4831 Special Events.
4120 - Corporate Grants: Donations made by corporations that are accompanied by an understanding of deliverables.
4220 - Corporate Contracts: Revenue brought in through contracts for services with corporations. This includes contracts for services with other nonprofits, such as to provide arts workshops or advocacy training.
4320 - Government Contracts: All government contracts that do not include a federal audit requirement.
4460 - Project Participation Fee: Amounts paid by your project’s clients or constituents to participate in or attend program events. These events can be short-term, e.g., performances, conferences, and workshops; or long-term, e.g., school or class enrollment.
4470 - Service Fee Revenue: Amounts paid by your project’s clients or constituents for services provided without a contract.
4810 - Membership Fees and Dues: Revenue that is brought in specifically by monthly or annual membership fees. Talk to the financial services team for more information on limitations to membership benefits.
4831 - Fundraiser Revenue: Donations that are brought in through fundraising events and activities. This includes ticket sales for fundraising events
4832 - Fundraiser Sponsorships: Donations received through fundraising events and activities in which the donor gives more than the ticket price. The sponsor usually receives a benefit such as their name in the event brochure or on a banner at the event. This includes individuals and corporations that commit to a specific sponsorship level/category specifically for that fundraising event.
4910 - Taxable Sales: Revenue brought in through the sale of program-related products, e.g., books and t-shirts.
4920 - Non-Taxable Sales: Sales to wholesalers (re-sales certificate required), credit card sales to out-of-state residents, and shipping fees on items sold.
4930- Royalties: Money paid to the original creator of a product, book, or piece of music based on how many copies have been sold.
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