If your project is interested in giving grants to others, please follow these steps:
- Connect with your grant administrator to let them know your project has received funding for a re-grant program.
- Check with your funder regarding any specific requirements they may have regarding the re-grant policies and procedures (including any required language to be included in the grant award letters or agreements). Provide all such information to our Community Partners programs team.
- Develop and submit written guidelines in a Request for Proposals document to a Community Partners grant administrator. This should include background information about your project, goals of the grant program, types of organizations that are eligible or ineligible to apply, the approximate size of the grants that will be made, types of activities or budget lines that will be eligible or ineligible for funding. Also include information on the criteria that will be used to select the grantees, important dates (such as pre-application workshops, application deadlines, and grant review and notification dates - a sample regranting acceptance letter is attached), and instructions for how to format and submit the proposal (a sample regrant application is attached). Include a contact at your project who can be called for additional help.
- Develop and submit a description of your review process (including a list of selection committee members) to a Community Partners grant administrator. An example of a regrant selection process is attached to the bottom of this article. Best practices for a selection committee include:
- The committee should have at least three members
- Consider if equity is important to your work and how you might center equity in your grantmaking. Some tools and resources here: https://www.geofunders.org/what-we-care-about/equity
- After the grantees have been selected, use the attached Grant Award Letter template to draft the agreement. It is your responsibility to ensure that your final version complies with any required language from your funder and that it includes a description of the grantee reporting requirements. Submit to Community Partners programs team for review and signature. The grant award/agreement letter will be returned to you for submission to the grantee, along with a link to our W-9 form for the grantee to complete online before returning the signed grant agreement.
- Upon receipt of the signed grantee award/agreement letter, submit a vendor bill in NetSuite.. The backup documentation should include the following:
a. A copy of the grant award/agreement letter (signed by the Project Leader, Community Partners, and the grantee)
b. Minutes of your advisory board indicating approval of the grant award
- When the grantee project is completed, submit a copy of the final report to your Community Partners grant administrator.
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